The Fine Edge

balance beam

Most dads who care about this sort of thing will agree that being consistent as a Father is a remarkably challenging thing to do. Sprinkle in the fact that grace should always be the mitigating factor, sometimes a dad feels like a yo-yo when dealing with his children. “Sometimes it’s a ‘yes’ and sometimes it’s a ‘no’ ” and to a child it may appear that it all depends upon what mood Dad is in. Unfortunately, mood sometimes plays a part, but even the most even-keeled dad may feel it challenging to make the right decision every time.

Taking a moment to weigh the request from my children for me is an effective way to reduce inconsistency in my response. In addition, removing prejudice to the best of my ability prevents coloring my decision because it came from Child A rather than from Child B. Don’t misunderstand, a child’s history and character, plays a part in the decision, however, a grace-filled response requires me to think carefully about all factors – not just past behavior.

Nevertheless, most dads will stumble at times with consistency. Don’t “beat yourself up”! Get up and keep trying – your children are worth all of your effort, and more!

Big Day!


image of diamond ringToday was a big day for our family. Our oldest son proposed to his sweetheart and she said, “Yes!” We are so excited for him and for her and for their future together. I am glad this day has finally arrived and that I no longer need to keep the secret. I am also very thankful that God has brought His perfect choice into my son’s life. His sovereign plans for my son’s life, my future daughter-in-law’s life, and for both of their families have been known since before the foundations of the world. We welcome this very special girl into our family with great big open arms. And I no longer have to worry about accidentally “spilling the beans”!

On Your Mark, Get Set, Go!

Recently, I decided to allow a number of my GoDaddy domains expire. I had about 15 domains registered including my business domains for BZTech Solutions and my three personal domains:

I had a number of other domains that I previously registered with the intent of doing something special but never did. One of those was, heartofpapa, with which I had always planned to share my journey of being a dad. Being a dad is really the first and most important aspiration I ever had. My dad struggled with the responsibility and as a young man, that impacted me to want to break a cycle and be a different father in my genealogical line.

After five years of dormancy, this morning, I had a change of heart and decided to save the domain (7 days before it expired), move it to a different and less exploitive registrar,, and set up an inexpensive (read free) blog on Tumblr.

They say the “proof is in the pudding”, so now I have committed to posting real content – a journal of journey as a dad. I hope it is interesting. I hope it is worthwhile, but most of all – I hope it is real and I hope you’ll join me!